About |
About MeMy name is Douglas Barker, nicknamed Dougie by schoolmates and work colleagues ever since. And since I can remember, I always wanted my own business. I also had a long standing desire to work for myself. At the age of 13, rather than do homework, I would draw up simple business plans, then take a walk on the streets to mull over ideas about how they should be launched. Since then, I've actually spent a lot of time in the conventional workplace tied to various multi-nationals around the globe. Hence how I ended up in my current location, Malaysia.
I dabbled with many businesses, traditional brick and mortar type, but always pulled back, at the 11th hour, fearful of the sheer risk involved. I'm glad I did. It would have involved many sleepless nights, a lot of hard work, and probably a fairly meagre pay packet. If it didn't fail. I take my hat off to people like Richard Branson, Bill Gates and Elon Musk. Incredible people with a unique idea, a lot of drive, who took on a lot of risk but made it all work. But that's not me. I don't need 5 mansions around the globe, a private island, expensive yachts, or 10 luxury cars. But I do have dreams of taking the family on a luxury world cruise, of educating my kids at the very best international schools (and there are some excellent ones here), and maybe, just maybe, a small villa in Bali (2 hours from here) with a wide veranda overlooking the jungle. In 1996 (for me at least) came the internet. For those who have never known life without it, you simply don't realise just how profound the invention was was. Suddenly, you could literally build a global empire, that had all the bells and whistles of a regular company, from your favorite armchair at home. What an opportunity. But as simple as it sounds (and it is), it's not easy. Like many others, I stumbled a number of times. At the same time, other people were making excellent livings. Boyed by the fact that nearly 3/4 of the world's population is hooked up to the internet, it's the biggest global marketplace anywhere in the world and all accessible with just a few clicks of the mouse. And that's a fact. What I had thus far overlooked is that all I had to do was find someone whose done it successfully before to become my mentor. Well, after many years of failing I eventually found him. And what I really like about this guy is he teaches you how to turn your hobby or interest into a viable paying business. Doing what you like doing and making money doing it. Some of his students - all ordinary folk - have really grabbed the bull by the horns, followed his advice to the letter, and have made small fortunes doing what they like to do. It's a great combination. And now you can too. |
About YouYou might be a bit like me. Was fed up with the rat race. Doing a job as well as you can but knowing there must be a better way.
Apart from an annual 2 weeks leave, you too may have become tired of the 9-5 (or longer), 5 or 6 day week, week-in-week-out, month-in-month-out, year-in-year-out, decade after decade, until you're too old to be considered worthwhile as young bucks appear beneath you eager to fill your shoes. The worst part of life is looking back after 40 years of work and realising, was that it then. The best part of your life sold to the highest bidder for less than you really need. The kids get educated but probably not at the very best schools, health is via the public health service by and large (or you may be lucky and have a private health policy), you've done the holiday destinations everyone else does, then its back to the robotic grindstone for another year. OK, you get weekends off. But just as you're just starting to relax, it's Monday. And it all starts again. And you're looking around for a way out to earn an income another way. Traditionally, that would be a brick and mortar business which comes with a lot of risk (often your home is on the line). It's longer hours, and probably not much pay. True, your freed of working for others but your dreams are still eluding you. And now you're in (possibly pretty deep) it's very difficult to pull the plug and get out. Well, there is a way out, whether you've taken the plunge already or not. Click the "Learn More" button below to find out more. You might also be a retiree in search of additional income given your income has dropped now. You are still mentally and physically active and you also want something constructive to do. Click the 'Learn More" button below and discover why this is one of the best options for you. Alternatively, you may be much younger. Just finishing, or having finished, your school or college education and already looking at what you should do next. See above what commonly happens when you follow the traditional employment path. Indeed, one of my biggest regrets is the internet was not around in its current form (in fact not around at all) when I was your age. If it had been and I had followed the advise under the "Learn More" tab below I am almost certain my life would have been completely different. Click on the "Learn More" tab below to find out why. You might be a tradesman or work on the factory floor. You have some good mates but also have an ongoing nagging doubt about your lot. There must be something better than this. Check out the "Learn More" button below to discover that there is. Or you might be the speculative type whose always up for a challenge. Whilst the concept described at the "Learn More" link is not a speculative concept, the speculative type can be attracted to the stability it potentially offers. Click on the "Learn More" button to find out. Bottom line, it doesn't actually matter who you are, your background, your education, or your current circumstances. As long as you have a desire to create something better for yourself (initially part-time). Click "Learn More" to get more information. At the risk of sounding a little over-dramatic, clicking the 'Learn More" button might be "life changing". I'm being serious. Don't forget to note the day and time you clicked in your diary. No joke. |