Best Small Business To Startt |
Without Doubt, The Best Small Business To Start Is
An Online Business.
Here's why...
If you're looking for the best small business to start, then there is nothing better, nor more simple, than setting up an online business. What's more, get it right and it can be very lucrative.
In a traditional business you need to have premises (ideally in an up-market part of town so people passing by have the inclination to drop in). These premises cost a lot of money to maintain in rent, rates, heating/air-conditioning, lighting and water supply (regardless of whether you actually get customers or not). You are very reliant on your local market. What's more, you will probably need employees. Employees are only human, don't come free, and are frequently a major headache you could do without. You'll also need to work full-time in your business if there's any chance of getting it to succeed. And, if your business fails, as many do, you've just thrown a shed load of money down the drain and could now be in serious debt. To start a business online you only need a laptop (or desktop/tablet), an internet connection, and your favourite armchair. To give yourself the best chance of success you also need effective online business training because, online, the business approach is different. You may need a website. That's your online business premises. But there are many easy-to-use automated website builders where your online base will cost you only $10 to $40 "per year" to maintain. Compare that to the cost of a place in town! You're marketplace is global, particularly if your products are digital (but even physical products can be easily drop shipped these days). And as the internet is open 24 hours a day so you can work in your spare time at whatever time it suits you. There's no daily commute to your office or business premises. And with so much automation available online, you don't need employees. But, if you ever decide that you do, you can hire virtual employees by the hour, day, week or month who can be switched on and off as you require. This also means you can avoid any entanglement with onerous labour laws. It's simple. And it's inexpensive. But beware, despite its simplicity, don't dive in feet first, or you're liable to get burned. Like everything, there are key techniques you need to master. Probably the most important thing of all is quality training. Because online, people aren't able to walk by your premises as they do offline. And there are many websites out there. But don't let that worry you. There are also numerous web entrepreneurs who have achieved life changing results. But then they had to learn the ropes first. The saving grace being that, if, in the very worst case, it doesn't work out, then, unlike its offline equivalent, you simply switch it off. There are no premises to get rid of and you're not in the tank for thousands. What's more, there's nothing stopping you setting up another business online instead. Whatever happens, never lose sight of the following fundamental fact... three quarters of the world's population is hooked up to the internet... that's a "massive" marketplace in anyone's language. And available to you via your mouse! I'll say it again, because it's really fundamental, and something you should never lose sight of... three quarters of the world's population is now hooked up to the internet... it's a massive marketplace, which you can access via your mouse! And, because this is so important, I'll say it one more time... never ever forget that three quarters of the world's population is now hooked up to the internet... representing a massive marketplace, accessible to you via your mouse! You've just got to learn how to locate your 'tribe'. This is where knowing the tricks of the trade proves vital. And, if you're one of those whose tried before, but failed, then you've not been trained properly yet. And I mean real training. Where you get direct "one-on-one" access to a mentor. A coach whose already very successful, online, in their own right. True, you can read a book about riding a bike. But you'll never ride one straight out of the gate. It's the same for any skill you need to learn including the skills you apply to your current job. To put it simply, you need ongoing one-on-one hand holding in addition to online tuition. And there is nowhere where this is more important than in an online business. This is vitally important in order to succeed! And here's something else you may not have thought of before. What if that training taught you how to establish a business around your favorite hobbies, interests and pursuits? Spending your working life around something you love. Would that not be a smart way to start? Read on... |
So, why is an online business the best small business to start...
An online business is in the grasp of everyone. You don't have to draw up complicated business plans to present to your bank first. Because you won't need a bank loan to operate online. Apart from good training, there are just a few steps to get online.
It’s simple
It’s just you, your laptop, and an internet connection… the internet is the door to a massive consumer base (you can access almost the entire world with just a few clicks of a mouse)
It's open to all
Your background is irrelevant… as long as you are prepared to undergo a proper training program first, put in the effort, learn the skills, practice, refine and remain focused (then anyone, with a purpose in life, has the potential to achieve whatever they want)
The skills required
It’s no different to learning any new skill such as riding a bike, driving a car, golf, fishing, or the skills you learned for your current occupation (once you crack the code anything is possible)
Your wifi does the grunt work or you
Many products and services can be delivered instantly at the click of a mouse (you don’t have to worry about logistics, customs issues when crossing borders, or the product becoming too expensive once shipping costs are added in). However, if you do market physical products, or plan to do so, then there are a network of global drop shippers who will enable this process for you
No 9 to 5
Struggling with the endless 9 to 5? Same old, same old... usual drudgery. Where each week. Each year. And each decade. Is simply a repeat of the previous, where you’re one week/year/decade older but no further forward in real terms. When you operate online you work the hours you choose
No daily commute
Trapped in a daily commute, battling traffic jams and breathing traffic fumes, then this is your way out (you can literally work from your favorite armchair or anywhere else you choose)
No answering to a boss
You may love your current boss but, if not, then he/she (and similar others) don’t have to feature in your future… there are no middle management rungs to climb… you go right to the top of your organisation from day one (no one dictates what you must do today... it’s your dreams, your targets, your activity, your results)
Work part-time
You can work part-time in your spare time… it can remain a part-time business for an additional source of income. Or, you can work part-time to build sufficient income to go full-time (it doesn’t have to intefere with your day job right now, nor do you have to quit your job to get it underway if you don't want to)
Work where you want
Your business comes with complete portability... you can work in any country you wish, or in any other country you wish, or in airports, stations, on trains, in starbucks, or at home (you have complete location freedom - for example, if your spouse has to relocate because of their job you can simply grab your laptop/desktop/tablet and move also)
Work when you want
Work when it suits you, not when it suits others (this means you can build your work around your life, rather than fit your life around your work)
Work with whom you want
Many of your colleagues will be online colleagues… some can become great friends over time… but if you don’t hit it off you can literally switch them off with a simple click of your mouse (and you may love your current work colleagues but, if not, you’re not forced to work with people you don’t choose)
Global marketplace
The internet is a global net and, once trained, an online business allows you to promote into any country you wish (so the world really does become your oyster)
No uptown location required
Location, location, location… not only do you not need a traditional offline office but you don’t have to pay a premium for a desirable location uptown just to get noticed. Online you simply need to know where your prospective customers hang out (and online you can attract 'out-of-town' and overseas visitors to your business, no matter where they live, with just a few simple clicks of a mouse)
No office costs
You can run a significant enterprise but you don’t have to have an office, so you won’t have to take out a lease or buy special office equipment (this means you don’t have the overhead traditional businesses are saddled with and, for which, there is no money back if things go wrong)
No cash to handle
There’s no cash to handle, no cash register to worry about, no cash float to provide for the register each day, no daily tot up of receipts, no invoices to send out nor payments to chase up, no cash to take to or withdraw from the bank (all payments are handled virtually, online, with ease - and online, credit card companies handle all the security and other checks and balances for you automatically)
No employees to nursemaid
You may love your current employees but, if they’re hard work, then breathe a sigh of relief, as online you don't need them (this makes your working life much easier and much less stressful!)
No complicated labour law to worry about
When it occurs, difficult employees and employee grievances can absorb a disproportionate amount of your precious time and can sometimes cause unwelcome entanglements with employment law (if you deem it really necessary you can hire 'virtual' employees online, by the hour, day, week, or full-time, from all around the world. When you're done, you simply switch them off – some are very good, so do be nice to them).
Build a long-term asset
With an online business you’re building online real estate which, in itself, will increase in value as you succeed (thus you’re developing a nest egg which you keep, or sell, in addition to a current income)
And over the long haul...
As you age you will become less agile (which comes to all of us eventually)
- it’s much easier to turn on a laptop than to commute to your business premises... it’s much easier to sit in an armchair and manage your business entity than to stand or attend customers or hump and move boxes (so you can keep working well into your old age if you really want to)
- maintaining your online presence will give your brain something constructive to do, on a daily basis, keeping it active later in life (which will help to defer your period of mental decline)
- your online presence will help to avert that otherwise lonely feeling, at such an age, as you continue to maintain close contact with your online audience (so there's still a good reason to get out of bed in the morning!)
Your virtual bank account
Your sales can be paid directly into an online virtual bank which comes with on-board credit card or bank transfer payment processing and is easy to set up (you can then send your income to any bank account of your choosing anywhere in the world or make withdrawals at 1000's of worldwide ATM's)
Make A Life Changing Decision Today
An online business is a completely different business environment to the offline equivalent. Offline, generally customers find you. Online, you find your customers. There are some ingenious techniques for doing this. And there are approaches which are more likely to set you up for success. You only need to find out how. You can try reading PDF's, watching YouTube videos, purchasing the odd course. But nothing, but nothing, beats in-depth online training that comes with one-on-one mentoring and coaching from someone whose done it before (and I mean someone whose made millions of dollars online in their own right, not just dabbled at it).
You're about to embark on a life changing journey. So, just as you would prior to getting a job, you need to be educated first so you're in the best position to do that job and succeed. It's no different in an online business environment. And learning from videos and books just won't cut the mustard. Yes, they are a vital component of learning and very necessary. But you must also have someone who knows the ropes, to hold your hand, particularly at the fledgling stages of your business when it matters the most.
But that doesn't mean you'll need school grades, a college diploma or degree to enroll or qualify. Businesses require an entrepreneurial spirit and not a bookworm who can achieve educational grades. Whatever you are or have become, an online landscape is very different to its offline equivalent so you do need thorough training to give you the best possible chance for success.
You're about to embark on a life changing journey. So, just as you would prior to getting a job, you need to be educated first so you're in the best position to do that job and succeed. It's no different in an online business environment. And learning from videos and books just won't cut the mustard. Yes, they are a vital component of learning and very necessary. But you must also have someone who knows the ropes, to hold your hand, particularly at the fledgling stages of your business when it matters the most.
But that doesn't mean you'll need school grades, a college diploma or degree to enroll or qualify. Businesses require an entrepreneurial spirit and not a bookworm who can achieve educational grades. Whatever you are or have become, an online landscape is very different to its offline equivalent so you do need thorough training to give you the best possible chance for success.
If you're going to do it, do it properly...
In-depth training
Just like any day job there are skills you need to develop and will get better at with practice… your 12 month study group has excellent training gives you direct access to ‘in-the-trenches’ knowledge, from a mentor whose doing it already, and not simply theory that so often leads to a dead end
Learn how to turn what you already love into a viable business
Why embark on something where the learning curve is steeper and in an area you don't actually enjoy? There's a business in everyone. Base your lifetime income needs around the things you love the most. You're probably good at it. And it makes life so much more satisfying. What's more, you bring a uniqueness to the subject. You see it from a slightly different angle. And this is what will make you interesting to those who want to know more about what you do
That said, if you're fixed on a particular business category that is not a core interest or hobby, and definitely wish to pursue this, we'll help you with this also
That said, if you're fixed on a particular business category that is not a core interest or hobby, and definitely wish to pursue this, we'll help you with this also
You won't have to wait 12 months to get going
Although this is a full 12 months study training, you will be active online in your business not long after you enroll. And you can also progress through the study units faster by putting in extra time if you wish
Learn skills that will not become obsolete
Technology is moving at a such a fast pace many traditional skills are becoming obsolete… will we need hydrocarbons in the years ahead as renewable technologies gather pace... will supermarket jobs be replaced with online shopping… the nightmare scenario is finding your skill set redundant at 30, 40 or 50 years old. This training program embraces the most profound, most recent industrial revolution, the internet, and will equip you with skills you can use, interchangeably, for many years to come
A mentor
In addition to in-depth, but simple, online learning modules, weekly assignments and to-do checklists, during your 12 month training, you get a human mentor who takes you under his wing to get you to the next level (this one-to-one facetime is unique in the industry and significantly increases your chances of success)
A one-to-one coach
Your mentor is not someone you simply see at the other end of a video. He's a 'one-on-one' coach who you can speak to on the phone, set up Skype calls with and/or email as you deem fit (you get one-on-one hand holding from a real, friendly and approachable human whose made millions online before and gets a genuine kick every time he launches a new student, successfully, into cyberspace)
Blueprints to follow
Everything is set out for you… work sheets, assignments, tasks - it’s all ‘click and play’ (you have a proven roadmap to follow and you don’t need to spend the time, nor the money, nor trial and error, trying to start this from scratch yourself)
Independently capable
Although there's a lot of hand holding during the first 12 months (and afterwards should you want it, the program trains you to stand on your own two feet, to fly like an eagle with your own two wings)
OK, so let's be grown ups for a second… there’s no such thing as a free lunch and there never has been... what we reap depends on what we sow... a good program will provide you with all the tools, training and support you need to succeed but you need to show up to make it a success.
This includes the effort you apply, how seriously you commit to the training, the commitment you make to developing your skills, and persistent application.
Just like in any job, if you can’t be bothered to learn the ropes and develop your skills, or apply the knowledge or skills you've acquired, then you won’t hold that job for very long.
Whilst there's no iron clad guarantee you will succeed, many ordinary people, just like you, have done just that... and many have achieved extraordinary results. Moreover, all, bar none, were right where you are now, contemplating enrolling in a potentially life changing program.
This includes the effort you apply, how seriously you commit to the training, the commitment you make to developing your skills, and persistent application.
Just like in any job, if you can’t be bothered to learn the ropes and develop your skills, or apply the knowledge or skills you've acquired, then you won’t hold that job for very long.
Whilst there's no iron clad guarantee you will succeed, many ordinary people, just like you, have done just that... and many have achieved extraordinary results. Moreover, all, bar none, were right where you are now, contemplating enrolling in a potentially life changing program.
Who is this for?
Anyone with a laptop, an internet connection, a financial objective, a willingness to learn, and a purpose in life.
Time to break away (once and for all!)
Finally released from the 9 to 5, the daily commute, a boss they may not like, and ongoing office politics, many online business owners begin to understand the icing on the cake once they get some time under their belts.
Part-time, full-time, anywhere, anytime, it's just you, a laptop, and an internet connection, building an additional income, which many then convert to a full-time income once they achieve initial success.
And then there’s the value of the asset you've built, when you finally put your feet up (although you can also carry on).
Costing a fraction of what a regular offline business costs to set up and run, with no employees, no bank loans, no significant overhead, and without putting your home up as collateral... where it's simply your time, your attitude, your enthusiasm, your willingness to learn and your dedication.
Part-time, full-time, anywhere, anytime, it's just you, a laptop, and an internet connection, building an additional income, which many then convert to a full-time income once they achieve initial success.
And then there’s the value of the asset you've built, when you finally put your feet up (although you can also carry on).
Costing a fraction of what a regular offline business costs to set up and run, with no employees, no bank loans, no significant overhead, and without putting your home up as collateral... where it's simply your time, your attitude, your enthusiasm, your willingness to learn and your dedication.
Starting is extremely simple...
Fill in your details below and watch a full feature introductory presentation by John who explains the training, coaching and mentoring program in detail. John also explains the online business landscape, why a number of practitioners have failed, and why a proper online education is therefore so vital to success. There is absolutely no obligation whatsoever. But because John gives away so much for free, so John will be taking down this presentation very shortly.
When to start...
There’s no time like the present to get more information. Simply add your name, and your regular email address, into the boxes below, click submit, and you'll be taken to John's introductory presentation. Hopefully it's still available by the time you arrive at this page.
Fill in your details below and watch a full feature introductory presentation by John who explains the training, coaching and mentoring program in detail. John also explains the online business landscape, why a number of practitioners have failed, and why a proper online education is therefore so vital to success. There is absolutely no obligation whatsoever. But because John gives away so much for free, so John will be taking down this presentation very shortly.
When to start...
There’s no time like the present to get more information. Simply add your name, and your regular email address, into the boxes below, click submit, and you'll be taken to John's introductory presentation. Hopefully it's still available by the time you arrive at this page.
John has 13 years full-time online business experience, has created one or two online millionaires (formerly his students) and is a millionaire himself a few times over. In this keynote introductory presentation he goes the extra mile by sharing a number of trade secrets completely free.
John has 13 years full-time online business experience, has created one or two online millionaires (formerly his students) and is a millionaire himself a few times over. In this keynote introductory presentation he goes the extra mile by sharing a number of trade secrets completely free.
EARNINGS DISCLAIMER. You understand and agree that there are important risk factors that should be considered by you when deciding to undertake any form of business. NO EARNINGS PROJECTIONS, PROMISES OR REPRESENTATIONS. While John's trainings have created hundreds of success stories, he has no idea of your experience, and more importantly your work ethic. You must recognize and agree that neither he, nor I, provide any warranties, promises, suggestions, projections, representations or guarantees whatsoever to you about future prospects or earnings, or that you will earn any money, with respect to you embarking in an online business undertaking. Any earnings or income statements, or any earnings or income examples, are only estimates of what John thinks you could earn. Some of his students make no money, some make a little bit of money, some make a lot of money. What you earn will be down to a lot of factors that are out of John's control.